PARC Panels at MESA

Shrinking Spaces, Excluded Communities, and Transformed Environments: Exploring Health and Environment Among Palestinians through Eco-Social Approaches

Organizer: Weeam Hammoudeh,* Birzeit University

  • Weeam Hammoudeh,* Birzeit University – Environment and Health in the Northwest Jerusalem Enclave
  • Brian Boyd,* Columbia University and Omar Tesdell,* Birzeit University – People, plants and landscapes: future ecologies in Palestine
  • Maysaa Nemer, Birzeit University – Social and political determinants of health of Palestinian Agriculture Working Women in the Jordan Valley
  • Usama Tanous, Emory University – The Health of Palestinians in Israel from a Settler Colonial Perspective

Reciprocal Mobilization in the Politics of BDS: Strategy, Competition, and Wars of Position

Organizer: Nathan Shils, University of Pennsylvania
Chair: Noura Erakat,* Rutgers University
Discussant: Maha Nassar, University of Arizona

  • Nathan Shils and Ian Lustick, University of Pennsylvania – Israeli Responses to BDS: A War of Maneuver to Avoid a War of Position
  • Taib Biygautane Hebrew University and Maia Hallward Carter,* Kennesaw State University – The Politics of Anti-Normalization among Moroccan Leftist, Islamist, and BDS Activists
  • Sophia Hoffinger, University of Edinburgh – Judge as German: The Politics of Judgement in the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Efforts in Germany

Unchilding in the Middle East and North Africa, Part 1

Co-sponsored with Association of Middle East Children and Youth Studies (AMECYS)
Organizer and Chair: Heidi Morrison,* University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Discussant: Lara Sheehi, George Washington University

  • Julie Shatz, California State University, Fresno – Childing and Unchilding Juvenile Offenders in Mandate Palestine
  • Bella Kovner, Hebrew University – Unaccompanied asylum-seeking youth in Greece: Protection, liberation and securitization
  • Leyla Neyzi, University of Glasgow – “Unchilding” and Agency: Memories of War and Displacement among Kurdish Youth
  • Abeer Otman, Hebrew University – Interrupting Unfathering: Palestinian Fathers Challenging Unchilding

Unchilding in the Middle East and North Africa, Part 2

Co-sponsored with Association of Middle East Children and Youth Studies (AMECYS)
Organizer and Chair: Heidi Morrison,* University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Discussant: Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Hebrew University

  • Nazan Maksudyan, Freie Universität Berlin – Armenian Children who Survived the Genocide
  • Chiara Diana, Université Libre de Bruxelles – Practicing Political Agency and Activism against Unchilding in Tunisia
  • Rami Salameh,* Birzeit University – The Dialectics of Oppression: Resisting the Negation of Childhood through Violence
  • Cindy Sousa, Bryn Mawr College – “They don’t see anything but this kind of treatment:” Mothers Speak about the Loss and Reclamation of Palestinian Childhood with Settler Colonialism

Strategizing from Below: New Palestinian Social Histories of the Twentieth Century

Organizer: Alex Winder,* Brown University
Discussant: Sherene Seikaly,* University of California, Santa Barbara

  • Sreemati Mitter, Brown University – The pensioners fight the banks: Financial aspects of the transition from Ottoman to British Mandate rule
  • Charles Anderson, Western Washington University – Society in Revolt: Civil Resistance and Rebel Organization in the Great Revolt (1936-39)
  • Alex Winder,* Brown University – Extralegal Justice within Palestinian Uprisings: The 1936–39 Revolt and the First Intifada
  • Haneen Naamneh,* London School of Economics – Arab Jerusalem and the Struggle for Centrality after the Nakba

New Directions in Mental Health in Palestine

Co-sponsored with Association of Middle East Children and Youth Studies (AMECYS)
Organizer: Heidi Morrison,* University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
Chair: Rachel Stryker,* California State University, East Bay
Discussant: Stephen Sheehi,* College of William and Mary

  • Heidi Morrison,* University of Wisconsin, La Crosse – Beyond Symptomology: How portraiture can enrich our understanding of childhood trauma in Palestine
  • Said Shehadeh, Independent Scholar, Ramallah/NY – On Community Resilience and Palestinian Selfhood: Notes from Clinical Practice in West Bank, Palestine
  • Rachael Stryker,* California State University, East Bay – Emotional Suspicion and Emerging Pediatric Psychologies in Palestine’s West Bank
  • Layaly Hamayel, Palestinian Counseling Center – Who Seeks Counseling/Therapy in Palestine: The Ten-year Pattern of Adult Mental Health Service Utilization Behavior in a Non-profit Centre in the West Bank

Doing Palestine While Palestinian: Overcoming the Fragmentation of Our Intellectual Diaspora (Roundtable)

Organizer: Nadim Bawalsa,* Independent Scholar
Chair: Salim Tamari,* Institute for Palestine Studies

  • Nadim Bawalsa,* Independent Scholar
  • Amal Eqeiq,* Williams College
  • Manal A. Jamal,* James Madison University
  • Samer Al-Saber, Stanford University
  • Refqa Abu-Remaileh, Freie Universität Berlin

Organizing Faculty-Led, Student Trips to Palestine: A Conversation on Opportunities, Obstacles and Best Practices (Discussion & Info Session)

Imprisoning a Generation (Film)
Co-sponsored with Association of Middle East Children and Youth Studies (AMECYS)

Resisting Enclosure: Movement Restrictions, the Built Environment, and Immobility in Palestine

Organizer: Joshua Stacher*
Chair: Michael Hudson,* Georgetown University
Discussant: Omar Jabary Salamanca, Ghent University

  • Maryam Griffin,* University of Washington, Bothell – The Bus as Vehicle of Resistance in Palestinian Protest Actions
  • Julie Peteet,* University of Louisville – Mobilities, Indigeneity and Resistance in Palestine
  • Joshua Stacher,* Kent State University – A Race against the Wall: Origins and Development of the Palestine Marathon
  • Gary Fields,* University of California, San Diego – Gaza: An Enclosed and Immobilized Landscape

Culture and Revolution in Beirut: Counter-Narratives in Politics, Literature, and Art

Organizers: Adey Almohsen,* Reema Salha Fadda and Nate George
Chair: Elizabeth Holt, Bard College

  • Adey Almohsen,* University of Minnesota – Critiquing Exile/Theorizing Nation: An Account of Post-1948 Palestinian Literary Criticism
  • Nate George, Rice University – “Our 1789”: Kamal Jumblatt, the Lebanese National Movement, and the Abolition of Sectarianism in Lebanon, 1975-1977
  • Reema Salha Fadda, University of Oxford – Competing Visions for a Transnational Museum? Negotiating the Political Economy of Palestinian Cultural Production in a Neoliberal Age

Hebron in the Modern Period: Social, Political, and Economic Dynamics in Southern Palestine

Created and organized by Alex Winder,* Brown University
Chair/Discussant: Issam Nassar, Illinois State University

  • Susynne McElrone,* Independent Scholar – Rethinking the paradigm of Ottoman land-tenure reforms in Palestine in light of new evidence
  • Alex Winder,* Brown University – Family, social, and professional networks in Mount Hebron before and after 1948
  • Kimberly Katz,* Towson University – The law and society: Hebron under Jordanian rule, 1951-1953
  • Belal Shobaki, Hebron University – Hebron in the Israeli-Palestinian Confict: Settlement without Peace

Success as Subjugation: Palestinian Education under Settler Colonialism

Created by Mezna Qato*
Organizer: Mai Abu Moghli, University College London
Discussant: Yamila Hussein,* Harvard University

  • Maha Shuayb, Centre for Lebanese Studies – Inclusive Exclusion: Education of Palestinian Refugee Students In Lebanon
  • Mai Abu Moghli, University College London – Violence in Palestinian Authority boys schools in the Occupied West Bank
  • Nadim Nashif, Baladna (Association for Arab Youth) – Israeli Control over Palestinian Schools within the Green Line
  • Joshua Stacher,* Kent State University – Occupation’s Consequence: Struggles for Academic Freedom in Palestinian Universities

Palestinian Childhoods: Negotiating a Place of Their Own

Created by Heidi Morrison*
Discussant: Rebecca Granato,* al Quds/Bard College

  • Bree Akesson, Wilfrid Laurier University – The Socio-Spatial Development of National Identity for Palestinian Families and Children: Insights from the Concept of Territoriality
  • Mohammed Alrozzi, University of Fribourg – The Everyday Negotiation of Palestinian Children
  • Omri Grinberg, University of Toronto – The Child Witness – Understanding the Key Role of Children in Testimonies Collected by Israeli Human Rights NGOs
  • Heidi Morrison,* University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse – Memory, Agency and Palestinian Children of the Second Intifada

Palestinian Decolonization and the Politics of Self-Representation, 1948-67

Created by Maurice Jr. M. Labelle
Chair: Shira Robinson,* George Washington University
Discussant: Sherene Seikaly,* University of California, Santa Barbara

  • Leena Dallasheh,* Humbolt State University – Decolonization Interrupted: Nazareth Across the 1948 Divide
  • Maha Nassar, University of Arizona – Colonial and anticolonial discourses regarding Palestinian women in Israel
  • Maurice Jr. M. Labelle, University of Saskatchewan – “We Have Right on Our Side”: Izzat Tannous and the Palestinian Politics of Self-Representation in the United States, 1955-64
  • Mezna Qato,* University of Cambridge – Class liberations: Schools, development, and decolonial possibility in Jordan, 1955-1958

Art and Politics in the Wake of the Second Intifada: Between Crisis and Transformation

Cosponsored with Association for Modern + Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran + Turkey (AMCA)
Created by Sascha Crasnow
Chair: Kiven Strohm, American University in Cairo
Discussant: Kirsten Scheid,* American University of Beirut

  • Nili Belkind,* University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign – Mozart at Qalandiya Checkpoint: The Politics and Aesthetics of a Palestinian Musical Intifada
  • Sascha Crasnow, University of California, San Diego – After Oslo: Shifting Perspectives in Palestinian Art
  • Alessandra Amin, University of California, Los Angeles – Contemporary Citizens, Imaginary Cities: Questions of Place and Statehood in Wafa Hourani’s Qalandia 2067 and Larissa Sansour’s Nation Estate
  • Rania Jawad,* Birzeit University – Locating the real in Palestine: art, politics, and the Museum

Settler-Colonialism and the Study of Zionism: Erasure, Transfer and Assimilation

Organized by Arnon Degani
Chair: Gabriel Piterberg, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Lorenzo Veracini, (Swinburne Institute for Social Research)

  • Susan Slyomovics,* University of California, Berkley – “The Object of Memory” and Settler Colonialism Studies 16 Years Later
  • Honaida Ghanim, Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies – Judaization and de-Indigenization: Settler-Colonialism in East Jerusalem
  • Areej Sabbagh-Khoury,* Mada al-Carmel – The Zionist Left and Settler-Colonialism in Marj Ibn ‘Amer: Land, Popularity and Property
  • Arnon Degani, University of California, Los Angeles – Non-Statist and Bi-Nationalist Zionism as Settler-Colonial Agendas

Bridging the Rupture of 1948: The “Decolonization” and Erasure of Mandate Palestine

Organized by Jeffrey Reger
Chair: Zachary Lockman,* New York University
Discussant: Shira Robinson,* George Washington University

  • Leena Dallasheh,* New York University – Defying the Rupture – Affirming Presence: Palestinians in Nazareth Surviving 1948
  • Hilary Falb,* University of California, Berkeley – Learning Exile: Palestinian Students and Educators Abroad 1940-1958
  • Jeffrey Reger, Georgetown University – Uprooting Palestine: Olive Groves, Mass Dispossession, and Peasant Resistance, 1945-1955
  • Rephael Stern, Princeton University – Israel’s Postcolonial Predicament and Its Contradicting Jurisdictional Claims in 1948

Beyond National Cartographies: Space, Place, and Time in Palestinian Literature

Organized by Refqa Abu-Remaileh
Chair and Discussant: Michelle Hartman, McGill University

  • Joseph R. Farag, Queen Mary, University of London – Nakba, Naksa, Intifada: Aesthetics and Politics in the Exilic Palestinian Short Story
  • Refqa Abu-Remaileh, Von Humboldt Foundation – Longing for Haifa in Haifa: The Arab Cultural Heritage in Palestinian Narratives
  • Nora Parr, SOAS, University of London – Inter-textuality and the borderless novel: Creating a space for the imagination of Palestine
  • Ahmad Diab, New York University – Intimate Others: Representations of Arabs in Palestinian Poetry
  • Amal Eqeiq, Williams College – From Haifa to Ramallah (and Back): New Routes for Palestinian Literature

The Palestinians in Syria: Their Past, Present and Changing Realities

Organized by Anaheed Al-Hardan*
Co-sponsored with the Syrian Studies Association
Chair and Discussant: Dawn Chatty, University of Oxford

  • Adel Abdul-Malik, Independent Researcher – The Current Reality of Palestinian Refugees in Syria in Light of the Syrian Uprising
  • Anaheed Al-Hardan,* ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry – Remembering the Nakba in Syria
  • Nell Gabiam, Iowa State University – Palestinian Refugees in Syria: Imagining Liberation and Return Beyond the Nation-State
  • Bassem Sirhan, Independent Researcher – The Unknown Fate of Palestinian Refugees in Syria in Light of the Syrian Conflict
  • Faedah M. Totah,* Virginia Commonwealth University – Refugees in Historic Places: Palestinians in the Old City of Damascus

Tourism, Solidarity, Intervention, and Management: Negotiating International Presence in the Post-Oslo West Bank

Organized by Jennifer Kelly*
Chair and Discussant: Rabab Abdulhadi,* San Francisco State University

  • Ryvka Barnard,* New York University – Tourism and the Politics of Heritage
  • Jennifer Kelly,* University of Texas, Austin – “Your Work is Not Here:” Solidarity Tourism in Occupied Palestine
  • Sa’ed Atshan, Brown University – Solidarity or Intervention: International Aid and Ideology in the Palestinian Territories
  • Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins,* Bard College/Columbia University – “We Prepare for the Day”: Waste, Environmental Standards and Sincerity in Post-Oslo Palestinian Statecraft

Crossing Boundaries in Ottoman and Mandate Palestine

Organized by Shay Hazkani
Discussant: Michelle U. Campos,* University of Florida

  • Lauren Banko,* SOAS, University of London – “The Marvel of Palestinian Nationality”: Negotiating Nationality, Citizenship and Colonial Borders in Mandate Palestine
  • Nadim Bawalsa,* New York University – Palestinians in Their First Diaspora: Emigration, Identification, and the New World Order (1920-1930)
  • Shay Hazkani, New York University – Imperial Citizenship and the Politics of the Possible in Ottoman Palestine, 1911-1912
  • Maayan Hilell, Tel Aviv University – Under the Radar: Arab and Jews Crossing Cultural Boundaries in Mandatory Palestine

Palestine and the Arab Revolutions

Co-sponsored with Jadaliyya
Chair and Discussant: Sherene Seikaly,* American University in Cairo

  • Fadi Quran, M.A. program in Democracy and Human Rights, Birzeit University – A New Generation of Palestinian Revolutionaries?
  • Halla Shoaibi, S.J.D candidate, Fulbright Scholar, Washington College of Law, American University – The Arab Revolutions: Rethinking Women’s Activism in Palestine
  • Tahreer Araj,* Assistant Professor, Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies, American University in Cairo (PARC alumni fellow) – Does the Road to Freedom Begin in Cairo? Palestinian Political Activism in Egypt
  • Noura Erakat, Freedman Teaching Fellow, Temple Law School – Palestinian Refugees and the Syrian Uprising: Filling the Protection Gap During Secondary Forced Displacement

Theorizing the Palestinian Colonial: Segregation and Subjects

Co-sponsored with Mada al-Carmel
Organized by Rochelle A. Davis,* Georgetown University
Chair: Penny Johnson,* Birzeit University
Discussant: Jennifer Olmsted,* Drew University

  • Lena Meari, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis and faculty member, Institute of Women’s Studies, Birzeit University – Re-structuring the Self and Politics: The Experience of Palestinian Political Activists Under Interrogation
  • Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law & School of Social Work and Social Welfare at Hebrew University, and Gender Studies Program Director, Mada al-Carmel – Trapped Bodies, Confined Lives and the Politics of Everydayness
  • Penny Johnson,* Institute of Women’s Studies, Birzeit University – ‘Strange to Palestinian Society:’ Young People Talk About Urfi Marriage, Moral Crimes and the Colonial Present
  • Hadeel Qazzaz,* Palestinian American Research Center – ‘The Ultimate Frontier:’ Cyber space defies isolation and closure
  • Aitemad Muhanna, Research Fellow, School of Oriental and African Studies, London – Israeli Spatial Control, Women’s Reliance on Humanitarian Aid, and the Distortion of Gendered Subjects in Gaza

Perspectives on Islam and Politics in Palestine, Part I

Organized by Nathan J. Brown,* George Washington University
Chair: Nubar Hovsepian, Chapman University
Discussant: Glenn Robinson, Naval Postgraduate School

  • Moussa Abou Ramadan, Birzeit University – Shari’a and Politics in Israel
  • Ghada AlMadbouh,* University of Maryland, College Park – The Subject of Opposition: Lessons from the ‘Repressive Accommodation’ of Hamas in 2006-2007
  • Helga Baumgarten, Birzeit University – Ruling Gaza: A Critical Look at the Performance in Government of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, 2006/7-2010
  • Mouin Rabbani,* Institute for Palestine Studies – Fatah, Hamas and the Struggle for the Palestinian Soul

Perspectives on Islam and Politics in Palestine, Part II

Organized by Nathan J. Brown,* George Washington University
Chair: Nathan J. Brown,* George Washington University
Discussant: Laurie Brand,* University of Southern California

  • Holger Albrecht, American University in Cairo – Islamist Movement in an Authoritarian Proxy-State: Hamas between Governance, Opposition and Resistance
  • Loren Lybarger,* Ohio University – ‘Deterritorialization’ and the Politics of Islam among Palestinian and Somalis in the United States
  • Nathan J. Brown,* George Washington University – Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood Movement

Health in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: A Growing Crisis

Organized by Penelope Mitchell,* Palestinian American Research Center
Chair: Sara M. Roy, Harvard University
Discussant: Jay Schnitzer, Boston Scientific Corporation

  • Rita Giacaman, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit – Health Status and Health Services in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
  • Marwan Khawaja, Yale University – The Transition to Lower Fertility and Childhood Mortality in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
  • Graham Watt, University of Glasgow – Medical Aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
  • Awad Mataria, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit – The Health Care System in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Assessment and Agenda for Reform

60 Years On: A Critical Revisiting of UNRWA for Palestine Refugees

Organized by Linda Tabar* & Mezna Qato*
Chair: Penny Johnson,* Birzeit University
Discussant: Randa R. Farah, University of Western Ontario

  • Ilana Feldman,* George Washington University – UNRWA and the Challenge of Refugee Kinds
  • Mezna Qato,* University of Oxford, St. Antony’s College – Pedagogical Erasures: Curriculum and the Formation of the UNRWA/UNESCO School System
  • Linda Tabar,* University of Oriental and African Studies – The Reconstruction of Jenin Refugee Camp: Humanitarian Intervention and Rational Violence
  • Ala Alazzeh, Rice University – Negotiating Rights: Contention and Cooperation between UNRWA and Popular Service Committees in Palestinian Refugee Camps
  • Rochelle Anne Davis,* Georgetown University – UNRWA’s Education Programs and Palestinian Commemorations of the Nakba

New Studies in Palestinian Society and Economy: A Panel in Honor of Rosemary and Yusif Sayigh

Organized by Rochelle Davis,* Georgetown University, Jennifer Olmsted,* and Beshara Doumani*

  • PART I
    Chair: Roger Owen, Harvard University
    Discussant: Jennifer Olmsted,* Drew UniversityLeila Farsakh, University of Massachusetts, Boston – Revisiting the Palestinian Economy after 40 Years of Occupation – The Legacy of Yusef Sayigh’s Works
    Basel Saleh, Radford University – An Analysis of the Palestinian Fiscal Situation: Challenges and Consequences
    Samia al-Botmeh, Birzeit University – Labour Market Gender-differentiated Impact of Israeli Movement Restrictions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
    Chair: Julie Peteet,* University of Kentucky, Louisville
    Discussant: Beshara Doumani,* University of California, BerkeleyRanda Farah, University of Western Ontario – Refugee Camps and the Shifting Political Landscape
    Isabelle Humphries,* St. Mary’s College, University of Surrey, UK – Homeless in the Homeland: Survival Narratives of Internal Refugees under Military Rule in Nazareth 1948-1966
    Diana Allan,* Harvard University – From Peasants to Revolutionaries to …? Economic Subjectivity in Post-Revolution Shatila
    Rosemary Sayigh, Independent Scholar – Palestinian Women Narrate Displacement: A Web-based Voice Archive

The Palestine Police and the End of the Mandate: British, Arab, and Jewish Perspectives

Organized & Chaired by Eugene Rogan,* St. Antony’s College, Oxford

  • John L. Knight, University of Oxford – Securing Zion? Public Security in Mandate Palestine
  • Yoav Alon, Tel Aviv University – Treading a Fine Line: The Jewish Segment of the Palestine Police
  • Adel Yahya, PACE, Ramallah – Arab Policemen in Mandate Palestine: Conflict of Loyalties
  • Eugene Rogan,* St. Antony’s College, Oxford – The British in the Palestine Police: Narratives of Adversity

Palestinians Inside Israel Revisited

Organized by Isis Nusair* & Rhoda Kanaaneh*
Chair: Cynthia Enloe, Clark University
Discussants: Lisa Hajjar, University of California, Santa Barbara and Rebecca Torstrick, Indiana University, South Bend

  • Samera Esmeir, University of California, Berkeley – Abandoned by Whom?: A Palestinian Story of Return
  • Honaida Ghanim, Harvard University – Crossing the Border: Confrontation Strategies
  • Lena Meari, University of California, Davis – The Roles of Palestinian Peasant Women 1930-1960: Al-Birweh Village as Model
  • Isis Nusair,* Denison University – Gendered Politics of Location of Three Generations of Palestinian Women in Israel, 1948-1998
  • Leena Dallasheh,* New York University – Al-‘Ard, a Pan-Arab Nationalist Movement in Israel from 1959 until 1965
  • Shira Robinson,* University of Iowa – Guns, Coffee and Tractors: The Making of Non-Jewish Folklore in 1958 Israel
  • Rhoda Kanaaneh,* Columbia University – A Good Arab in a Bad House? Unrecognized Villagers in the Israeli Military
  • Amal Eqeiq, University of Washington – Louder than the Blue I.D.: Palestinian Hip-Hop in Israel
  • Ibtisam Ibrahim, Washington College – Immigration Patterns among Arab Palestinians in Israel

The Multiple Economies of Palestine: Survival or Development?

Organized & Chaired by Sara Roy, Harvard University

  • Jennifer Olmsted,* Drew University – Examining the Palestinian (and Israeli) Economies within the Framework of Sanctions
  • Claude Bruderlein, HPCR, Harvard School of Public Health – Gaza 2010: A Prospective Assessment of Palestinians’ Livelihood in the Gaza Strip
  • Leila Farsakh, University of Massachusetts, Boston – The Multiple Economies of Palestine: Survival or Development?
  • Dennis J. Sullivan,* Northeastern University & PARC – Prospects for Egypt-Palestine Free Trade and Economic Cooperation: A Policy Analysis
  • Nubar Hovsepian, Chapman University – Neoliberalism & Palestinian Economic Development Strategies (1993-2003)

New Perspectives on Mandate Palestine

Organizer/Moderator: Martin Bunton,* University of Victoria

  • Ilana Feldman,* Columbia University
  • Penny Johnson,* Palestinian American Research Center
  • Salim Tamari, Institute of Jerusalem Studies
  • Sherene Seikaly,* New York University
  • Mahmoud Yazbak, University of Haifa

Palestine Today: The Possibilities and Limits of Life under Occupation

Chair and Discussant: Ibrahim Dakkak,* Chair, Advisory Committee, Palestinian American Research Center

  • Penny Johnson,* Palestine Director, Palestinian American Research Center – A Father’s No Shield for His Child: Crisis and Change in Palestinian Families and Gender Dynamics in the Second Palestinian Intifada
  • Lori Allen,* University of Chicago – The Banalization of Violence and the Nationalization of Emotions: Towards and Ethnography of the Palestinian Intifada
  • Manal Jamal,* McGill University – ‘Popular’ and ‘Not So Popular’: Responses to Donor Assistance in Palestine
  • Khalid Furani,* Graduate Center, City University of New York – Secular Prayers: An Ethnographic Encounter with Contemporary Palestinian Poetry
  • Carol Malt,* Independent Scholar – Museums: Cultural Survival under Occupation

Views of the Other in Israeli and Palestinian Textbooks

Chair: Philip Mattar,* United States Institute of Peace

  • Fouad M. Moughrabi, Qattan Foundation – The Politics of Palestinian
  • Issam Nasser, Institute for Jersusalem Studies – Overview of Palestinian Textbooks
  • Nathan Brown,* George Washington University – Debating Palestinian Democracy: The Effort to Write a New National Curriculum
  • Ruth Firer, Hebrew University – A Comparative Study of Israeli and Palestinian Social Studies Textbooks
  • Ilan Pappé, Haifa University – The Silencing of Critique: The Case of History Textbooks in Israel

Contemporary Social Science Research on Palestine

Chair: Ann Lesch,* Villanova University

  • Judith Tucker,* Georgetown University – Writing the History of Palestine
  • Glenn Robinson, Naval Post Graduate School – Current Political Science Theory and Method in the Study of Palestine
  • Julie Peteet,* University of Louisville – Beyond and Within the Political: Gender and Scholarship on Palestine
  • Mouin Rabbani,* Palestinian American Research Center – Social Science Research in Palestine

The Legacy and Impact of British Rule from 1922-1948

Chair: Lisa Pollard, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Discussant: Roger Owen, Harvard University

  • Ellen Fleishmann,* University of Dayton – Unnatural Vices or Unnatural Rule?: Sex Surveys During the British Mandate in Palestine
  • Sandy Sufian, Center for Health Research/Oregon Health Science University – Mapping the Marsh – Malaria and the Sharing of Medical Knowledge in Mandatory Palestine
  • Martin Bunton,* University of Victoria – Palestine’s Land Registers: Imperial Authority or Empirical Truth?
  • Michael Fischbach,* Palestinian American Research Center – Mandatory Land Records, the U.N. and Palestinian Refugee Property Rights
  • Salim Tamari, Institute for Jerusalem Studies – Post-British Records: the UNWRA Archives